Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentine's Day

The past few days, I've been obsessing what to buy my boyfriend for Valentine's.  We have pretty different tastes, so a lot of things I would wear if I were a boy is very different than what he wears as a boy himself. I've been on the hunt for a money clip.

My first instinct was go to the mall, of which I visited all the jewellery and watch specialty stores, as well as Harry Rosen (a luxury men's chain store), but nothing really caught my eye.  I think it's a particularly hard time to go shopping right now because all the stores are in the midst of changing seasons.  There's limited inventory leftover from last season, but not much yet out for the new season.

I was looking for luxurious, nice, simple and slim.  Getting a cheaper one did cross my mind, but they weren't very slim, and the design not very chic.  I ended up settling on Tiffany and Co.  Funny thing is, I myself have never received Tiffany's from him yet.  A little ironic.  I was looking for the plaid design, but they didn't have it in stock in store!
Next, I thought about the plain one, but to be honest it didn't look that amazing with some money clipped to it.  Plus, it looks so plain so why would I buy a Tiffany one?  I could get the plain one from anywhere and it would be just the same.
So in the end, I settled for the T&CO with initial engraving in the back.  Simple, but with a little touch of "I am Tiffany" without being too noticeable.  Suddenly, I realized the appeal of engraving initials.  It actually makes a huge difference in the feeling of ownership of the item.  With his initials on it, it almost felt like it fits him perfectly!  Why didn't I think of it before?  As a side note, I found "Tiffany Font" which is simply just what I was looking for!

I hope you like it :) 

There goes half of my February shopping allowance!  

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