Thursday, March 3, 2011

Uh oh...

So after being SO good for the month of February with close to NO shopping... the cravings are back! :(  I'm undecided about the blazer, so when I passed by Anthropologie today I picked up an Ella Moss sweatshirt on sale at 50% off... it's nice with jeans!  I am undecided whether I should keep this one or not (along with the blazer).

My Jcrew Bikini top shipped too! It's a little big :( so sadly, that will also show up on this month's credit card!  Hum... gut says I need to return to keep to budget... but what?

Recent Purchases:
- CM sweater - 62.38
- CM tulle skirt - 62.38
- CM lace skirt - 44.30
- CM blazer - 89.50
- Anthro sweatshirt - 79.03

- Jcrew bikini top- 74.59
Total: 412.18  HUM... i guess it's not THAT bad... but I want japanese clothes stuff... and zara crochet tops!

I'm also attracted to the leopard dress!  It would be so good for the clubs!